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The Best Type Of Self-Defense For A Woman: Martial Arts and More

Self-defense training can teach a woman how to protect herself in both domestic and public violence situations. Women shouldn’t rely on these classes alone, though. From firearms and knives to coffee pots and mugs, both standard weapons and household items can be used in an assault.

It is a disturbing fact that both domestic violence, public violence and sexual assault against women are rising at an alarming rate.

What this means is that enrolling in a self-defense program and learning protective tactics and how to use proper tools as weapons is essential.

There are many self-defense weapons on the market, and even everyday household items can be used to protect oneself.

Read on to learn more about the best self-defense practices for women.

Does Women’s Self-Defense Work?

Women’s self-defense courses such as martial arts can teach a woman how to protect herself during an attack from stronger opponents, not only physically but mentally as well.

When a woman is attacked by another person, it can leave physical and mental scars that could last forever.

These scars can be overcome or potentially prevented through the proper training.

There are many different types of fighting styles that a human being can choose from.

While many boast about allowing adequate self-defense for men and women alike, the most important thing is to choose a style that fits your physical and mental needs.

Six of the best martial arts for self defense for women are:

Women don’t have to become professional fighters to defend themselves but yes, martial arts does require physical training and some level of physical fitness.

These 6 styles of traditional martial arts can give you the tools and confidence that you need to help yourself if you are threatened or attacked.

1. Tae Kwon Do is very popular among women because it focuses on using the lower body through quick, rapid kicks.

Many women have a weaker upper body than men, so using the lower body during an attack could be key.

This method is also the most “sporty” and can teach women numerous self-defense methods so that they are not vulnerable.

2. Wing Chun (Tsun) is a martial art that focuses on close-range combat. It’s been shown to be one of the most effective ways to protect oneself from harm.

Wing Chun focuses more on defense than other popular styles like Karate because there are no stances used when fighting unlike with Karate where practitioners must be rooted into place before attacking.

Instead at all times you’re ready for anything by defending right away but also simultaneously striking first if needed.

3. Muay Thai is known as a sport but it’s training can be very effective for women who want to learn how to defend themselves.

Muay Thai is a fighting style that utilizes punches, elbows and knees. It can be used in defending oneself from multiple attackers because of the various punching and kicking techniques it consists of.

4. Aikido teaches women how to use the force of the attacker against them.

What this means is that an attacker who is much stronger could still be defeated even if the woman is weaker physically.

5. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a kind of martial art that is based in leverage, angles, and pressure.

The goal of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu isn’t to knock your opponent out or make him submit with strikes; rather it focuses on submitting the person by using various techniques such as chokes and joint locks that use knowledge of human anatomy.

As the popularity of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has grown over recent years, so too have its self defense applications.

The modern day warrior is no longer limited to fighting off an aggressor with punches and kicks on a level playing field; they can now use their knowledge of ground fighting techniques to subdue larger opponents who may not be trained in that particular area.

It provides training for people of all sizes which makes it more practical as a form of protection.

6. Krav Maga is also a popular self-defense method, but it is strictly used to injure the attacker and does not have the same mental benefits.

Most women aren’t going to find themselves in street fights but they may be in a dangerous place or in violent situations. T

hese martial arts techniques can be the first tools that you use to save yourself.

There are usually many classes that women can find in their communities. I encourage you to search for a women’s self-defense course that suits your needs.

Join it and learn the art of defending yourself. If you enjoy a combat sport then you may like them even more.

How Can A Woman Protect Herself Outside The Home?

An important factor that I want to emphasize is that no amount of self defense training or weapons will help you if you do not practice being continuously and consciously aware of your surroundings.

Without this situational awareness – you’re just a target waiting to be attacked.

Effective martial art classes can be a great way for women to gain confidence and strength during an attack.

However, these classes can also give women a false sense of security if an attack occurs in real-world scenarios. It is much different being struck or tackled in a classroom than it is on an empty street.

Bottom line is although women’s self-defense courses can work well for many women, they may not be the best way for you, which is why a suitable backup plan is needed.

A woman can protect herself during an attack by preparing for several different scenarios. Here are some important factors to consider.

Read about the 20 Self-Defense Tips for Women

Do you live in a big city? You may need to practice defense moves for a one-on-one attack or an attack with a weapon like a stun gun.

Do you live in a remote area? If so, this may require preparation for a home invasion with everyday household items.

When answering the question about how a woman can protect herself, comfort and familiarity are the keys.

This means practicing with whatever tools you are considering using in certain situations.

Think about the following as great options to protecting yourself outside of the home:

  • Practice with your lethal weapons of choice such as a firearm
  • Take a local martial arts or self-defense class
  • Research the most innovative weapons to carry

Believe it or not, weapons are now disguised as lipstick, pens, and flashlights.

There are pen knives, lipstick, and flashlight stun guns, and even self-defense rings women can wear on their fingers. These can all fit nicely in a purse or bag.

Firearms are also protection that can be carried easily, but a proper firearm training class is vital to make the user both safer and more prepared.

How Can A Woman Protect Herself Inside The Home?

Being prepared for an attack means knowing which weapons will work best for you. It also means preparing for two circumstances that may arise – being attacked in your home and on the streets.

Many of the same protection methods listed above for outside the home can also be used when you have not left the house.

In addition, some weapons may be used in either situation (a firearm in the home and in your purse), but there are household items that could also be used as a weapon in the house.

Things to consider:

  • Know what household items can be used as weapons
  • Place them in specific areas so that they can be used in a tense situation
  • Understand the stand-your-ground laws in your state

What Household Items Can Be Used As Weapons?

There are many home security systems that can protect your home from intruders.

However, there are also intruders who have an understanding of home security systems and know how to bypass them.

The best self-defense weapons in the home are a firearm, knife, or some sort of pepper spray. But, there are also everyday household items that can be used for protection.

When you are aiming to defend yourself in your home, you don’t need to limit yourself to traditional weapons.

During an attack anything is fair game, though some household items are better than others.

The following are household items that you probably use every day, but they can also act as a weapon if trouble arises:

  • Kitchen knife
  • Pen or pencil
  • Flashlight
  • Coffee mug or aluminum bottle
  • Hot pot of coffee or tea

Think outside the box when it comes to self defense. Almost anything can be used as a weapon when you are under attack.

The list above shows how a kitchen knife can serve as the perfect weapon if you are assaulted in your home and the attacker gets too close.

A pen or pencil can also stab someone, giving you time to escape.

There is something you should keep in mind, though – especially if you are relying on a firearm or knife (which are actual weapons) for defense.

Be sure to research the Stand Your Ground laws (also known as “castle doctrine”) in your state so you’ll know how to react if you are attacked.

Some states have Stand Your Ground laws, which means you can defend yourself the moment you are attacked in your home.

Unfortunately, other states do not, which means you must retreat to safety before defending yourself. Crazy, right?

Best Self Defense Weapon For A Woman To Carry

There are numerous weapons made for women to defend themselves, such as stun guns shaped like lipstick or mirroring flashlights.

There are even knives shaped like pens and spikes for the hands.

While these can all be effective self-defense weapons, I’m going to talk for a second about the basic, traditional weapons we all think of when we think about what weapon to carry:

  • Firearms
  • Knives
  • Pepper Spray
  • Key chain alarms

As I noted earlier, taking self-defense or martial arts classes can give a woman the physical and mental confidence to protect herself during an attack.

But, women shouldn’t rely on physical defense alone.

Every woman should carry a self-defense weapon in her purse to use first (keeping in mind that physical confrontation should be a last resort).

The two best options are a firearm and a knife, but they also have the most concerns.

To properly use a firearm, you should take a class that teaches you how to use the gun. That way, you will feel confident in taking the gun out fast and hitting your target.

Using a sharp knife can be more precise, but it also requires you to get close to your attacker.

Many women aren’t comfortable with the idea or carrying or using firearms or knives. If this is the case, pepper spray and a key chain alarm are good alternatives.

In fact, they are so popular that many companies sell pepper spray that also has an alarm built into the device.

Remember though – pepper spray and key chain alarms are meant for one thing – to escape your attacker. If you have to use them, do not try to fight back. Just use them and run!

Know The Concealed Carry Laws

Just like with the previously mentioned Stand Your Ground laws, there are laws about carrying weapons.

In particular, some states require permits to carry a concealed firearm. You should familiarize yourself with these laws if you decide to carry a firearm for your protection.

I would recommend to contact your local law enforcement (police station) and ask any questions you may have about your particular situation.

Perhaps the best self-defense of all is knowledge, not only about how to protect yourself in certain situations but how to avoid danger to begin with.


In the end, the best self-defense for a woman is trying to get out of the dangerous situation as fast as possible.

If you are forced to use a weapon, try to do so from a distance and then get away from the situation.

Using self-defense methods like martial arts should be the last choice.

Even the most competent and skilled fighter may freeze up or be overpowered when fighting in real life versus the “dojo.”

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