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What to Do If Someone Has Broken Into Your House

If someone has broken into your house, call the police immediately and do not contaminate the scene. Do not enter your home – or if you do enter, exit without touching anything. If you are home at the time of the break-in, call 911, and try to leave your home or get to a safe place.

Your home should be the place you feel the safest. However, it’s a fact that home break ins happen about once every 26 seconds.

Regardless of whether you are at home at the time of the break in or away, there’s always the question, “What should you do if someone has broken into your house?”

The most important thing to do is have a plan and know exactly what you need to do to execute it calmly and effectively.

Being calm and prepared in the event of a break in can significantly increase the chances of your items being recovered and the burglar being caught, safely.

No matter what stage of the burglary you encounter, you should know how to react.

Read on to learn how to tell if someone has broken into your home, what to do if you are home alone during a break in, where you should hide in the event you are home alone, and ways to protect yourself after a break in.

How Do You Know If Someone Broke Into Your House?

The easiest way to know if someone has broken into your home is obvious signs of forced entry or missing items.

If you approach your home and see that the door is kicked in or a window is knocked out, it could be a tell-tale sign that an intruder has been in your home. 

If you suspect someone has broken into your home, it’s essential not to contaminate the scene. Do not enter the home; instead, call 911 and alert them to the situation at hand.

They will send out police units. The officers will check for fingerprints or any indication of who the burglar might be.

It would be best to stay at a neighbor’s house until the police arrive, for your safety.

What To Do If You Think Someone Is In Your House And You’re Home Alone

If you are home alone and suspect someone has broken into your house, the first step you should take is to seek a safe place and a way to protect yourself.

If you can get to a phone or have your cell phone on you, call 911 immediately. 

If you can escape through a back door, window, etc., then you should. Get out as quickly as possible, then run to a neighbor’s house and call the police.

Do not approach the intruder or make a lot of noise to let them know you are there. Try to remain calm and quiet. 

If you find yourself confronting a burglar, try to obtain a weapon. I do recommend that you have at least one item in every room of your house that you can use as a weapon.

Whether it’s a household item that your using as a weapon or something you bought – anything that you can easily and quickly get your hands on will do.

Chances are just the sight of someone being home will be enough to scare them away. However, if they do not run away and try to attack you, you must keep a clear mind!

Protect yourself by any means necessary and scream loudly. The more noise you make, the more likely a neighbor will hear and either call the police or come to your aid.

Where Should I Hide If Someone Breaks Into My House?

If someone breaks into your house, you should seek a place where you are protected or can escape easily.

Bathrooms or closets are the best places to hide. However, basements, garages, or other areas away from where the intruder has entered are also great places to hide. 

If you become trapped and cannot escape, then you need to find heavy items to block the door, so the intruder cannot enter your hiding area.

After you have blocked the door, try to find somewhere within the room to hide.

Also, find something you can use as a weapon to protect yourself in the event that the burglar gets into the room where you are hiding.

What Should I Do After A Burglary?

If you had the misfortune of your home being burglarized, you can do a few things to ensure your peace of mind and safety is restored going forward.

Some of the best high-tech methods of protection come in the form of security systems with or without cameras.

Many of these options are very affordable and have low start-up costs and maintenance.

According to The Zebra insurance comparison website, here are some reasons why you should consider getting a home security system:

  • Shockingly, over 49% of people do not have any type of security in their home. 
  • Homes without security systems are 300% more likely to be burglarized.
  • 83% of burglars scope out the home and check for security systems before breaking in.

The FBI reports that there are more than 1.1 million burglaries in the U.S. every year. Hardly any of these cases are solved (only about 13%).

Since burglars often target the same home after having robbed it once, having a home security system, especially one with cameras, can also help identify intruders before they try to strike again. 

  • Cameras can give the homeowner access to their home at all times via phone apps and alert them if an intruder arrives. This allows the homeowner to alert the authorities as soon as possible and stop the burglary from occurring. 
  • Security systems can monitor the home 24/7 without the homeowner having to monitor it. They also can monitor whether the homeowner is home or away to ensure the home is constantly protected, which gives peace of mind. 

Besides investing in cameras or a security system, you should change the locks on your doors and windows.

Also, after a burglary, it is critical to change all locks and ensure windows are secure and not damaged.

If you don’t have deadbolts, you should also install them on every outside door – and then utilize them. 

If you do not own a weapon or other means of protection, such as a dog, taser, pepper spray or mace, etc., then it’s time to find a weapon you are comfortable with and able to utilize.

Even if the weapon is never used, it offers a sense of control and protection, especially after a burglary. 

Once you have secured your home, it is essential for you to seek emotional support, as well.

Burglaries are a huge breach of peace and security and can emotionally scar those affected.

It is a great idea to seek a therapist or psychologist to speak to afterward to repair any emotional trauma you may have.

You can also take self-defense classes or classes to carry a weapon; this can be a great way to empower yourself and ensure that you can protect yourself in any situation. 

Final Thoughts

Whether you are home during a burglary or return home to find your house burglarized, you should always have a plan to deal with such a situation.

This can be a very stressful and overwhelming time for anyone, but being prepared can save your possessions and potentially your life.

With the right, proactive security measures in place, like cameras, you may even be able to assist the police in identifying the burglar without jeopardizing your safety.

In the event of a break-in, be prepared to know where you can escape from or hide in your house.

Have access to weapons or other means of protection to ensure your safety. You want to have some methods in mind of how to protect yourself from a possible attack.

If you come home and discover that there’s been a break-in, go to a neighbor’s house immediately and call the police.

Do not try to investigate on your own in case the intruder is still in your home.

Overall, the most important thing to remember is to stay calm and collected so you can think clearly in the event of a burglary. This will go a long way towards keeping you safe.

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